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The Innovation Process
Activity 5.2 E

Report and share results

This primer is intended to help you interpret your findings in response to your research questions, learning objectives and expectations, and draw conclusions in the form of insights and recommendations.

Translate findings into insights

At this stage you have developed a set of findings, ascribing significance to the data. The next step is to draw your conclusions. These two steps help translate your findings (factual statements based on evidence) into useful insights (general principles based on one or more findings) for decision-making purposes around potential courses of action. It will also help you to confirm whether your understanding of how your intervention performed is supported by data.

Once your insights have been validated, you are ready to build a set of recommendations. These might include recommendations on: (a) how the solution is best deployed; (b) what contextual factors to consider that affect the efficacy of the solution; (c) whether the solution should be scaled; and (d) what opportunity areas to explore next in order to further improve the solution. Recommendations will be of value if they are specific, practical, time-bound, consistent and prioritised.

Report, Share and Use Results

Lastly, you will need to think about what your audience needs to know, and how your findings and recommendations can be best communicated in order to facilitate uptake. Before sharing your results, consider the following questions:

  • What are your key findings and recommendations?
  • Why does this information need to be communicated?
  • Who are your key audiences?
  • What do these different audiences need to know?
  • What would they like to know?
  • What is the best medium for each audience? (eg, reports, briefings, presentations, blog posts, videos, infographics etc)
  • What are the best channels and approaches for reaching each of these audiences? (eg particular blogs, websites, social media platforms, personal connections, events)
  • Are there any special considerations or limitations particular to certain audiences (eg internet connection, language)?
  • What is the best timing for dissemination (eg upcoming strategy revision, new planning cycle, potential ‘tipping points’)?
  • Who is responsible for the communication?