If you are considering piloting a new solution in a real-world humanitarian environment, there are a number of preliminary activities that will help you to confirm the logic of your planned intervention, make sure that everybody involved shares the same understanding, and ensure that you uncover any underlying assumptions that are critical to success.
You should also carry out a partnerships review as roles and responsibilities can change throughout the innovation journey, and the partners that you might have worked with on Recognition, Adaptation or Invention activities might not necessarily have a role to play in the Pilot stage. Conversely you may need to bring on board new partners in order to implement your solution successfully in a real-world environment.
Finally, responsible and effective management practice in the Pilot stage requires consideration of ethics and oversight. We recommend that you review your risk management and compliance mechanisms, and determine whether you need to put in place a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to provide additional guidance and oversee your pilot design and implementation.