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The Innovation Process
About the Guide


The Humanitarian Innovation Guide was developed by Elrha’s Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF), with support from Gray Dot Catalyst.

Gray Dot Catalyst was contracted to deliver the project, with Ian Gray (Gray Dot Catalyst) and Joseph Guay (The Policy Lab) leading the research and development of the Guide, as well as two workshops designed to evaluate progress and to obtain direct user-input into the final product. Ian McClelland (Elrha) is managing the project and providing editorial input, guidance and support.

Drafts were reviewed by Elrha staff, including Mambwe Chella, Claire Dusonchet, Cecilie Hestbaek, Frances Hill, Liz Rawlins and Anna Skeels, as well as a panel of external reviewers, including John Bessant, Aradhana Gurung, Dan McClure, Alice Obrecht, and the UNHCR Innovation Service team. John Bessant and George Fenton have provided further valuable contributions. We would like to express our gratitude for all assistance, feedback, comments and support during this process.

We would also like to thank everyone who has contributed to this project in through interviews, focus group discussions, surveys and workshops, including Kuldeep Aryal, Darcy Attaman, Jessica Berlin, Andrina Beuggert, Sam Bloch, Nama Budhathoki, Stuart Campo, Nathan Cooper, Caetano Dorea, Samir Doshi, Atish Gonsalves, Mark Griffiths, Robert Hakiza, Josiah Kaplan, Ellie Kemp, Takeshi Komino, Andrew Lamb, Jenny MacCann, Jim Maltby, Alexis Marchand, Robin Mays, Nathaniel Raymond, Nora Oleskog, Kristin Sandvik, Meg Sattler, Kim Scriven, Sarah Sheldon, Emily Tomkys Valteri, Neil Townsend, Ikue Uchida, Lotte van Elp,  John Warnes, and Neysan Zölzer.

The website was designed by Soapbox. This project was made possible by funding from EU Humanitarian Aid.